MORE porn and religion now as US televangelist Melissa Scott confesses to Marie Claire that she once worked in the porn biz, notably as Barbie Bridges. Says her website:
PASTOR MELISSA SCOTT is the Pastor and Teacher of the University Cathedral in Downtown Los Angeles.
Employing a research-laden approach to the analysis of God’s Word in the Old and New Testaments, Pastor Melissa Scott unfolds and presents her teaching in context with history and the sciences.
A natural linguist with command of twenty languages, she digs deeply into her vast collection of ancient manuscripts to find and communicate the purest understanding of what the original inspired writers of the Bible had to say.
And what of the porn? And the church?
Four years ago, she lost her husband, Dr. Gene “Doc” Scott, the wildly popular “shock jock of televangelism” — nearly 40 years her senior — to complications from prostate cancer. In his heyday as pastor, Doc Scott reportedly collected $1 million a month in donations and amassed an empire that included two horse ranches, a 35,000-square-foot mansion in Pasadena, a private plane, and a collection of luxury cars.
pastor scott 300x257 US Evengelist Melissa Scott Was Porn Star Barbie BridgesHow did they meet?
Melissa became coupled with Dr. Gene Scott in 1995 during his pony girl phase of paying models to attend his church in the front row, while requiring the rest of the audience to stand and give the ladies an ovation when they entered…
Congregants dubbed them his “pony girls,” because he often filmed them riding his stallions in thong bikinis and broadcast the footage during televised sermons.
And the porn?
She denied it. Now:
Asked about the Barbie Bridges matter, Scott smacks her berry-stained lips and scoffs. “It’s definitely a freak show. I’ve seen a good portion of the stuff on the Internet, and honestly, I almost have to laugh at it,” she says, flashing the smile again. Pressed further, Scott sighs deeply, then adds, “Okay, I was never an actress in a pornographic movie. So what does that do? You defend that, what else do you start defending?”
That said, Melissa Scott really was a porn star, as confirmed by several acquaintances who knew her when she worked the adult-entertainment circuit as Barbie Bridges. Though it’s unclear when she adopted the moniker, by 1994 she’d already nabbed a title — Miss Nude CanAm Exotic — under the name. She posed nude, as Barbie Bridges, for Penthouse lensman Earl Miller and famed erotic photographer Suze Randall. At the time, Scott was married to Paul Pastore, who worked for an exotic-dancing agency called Fantasy Creations before launching a porn distribution outfit called Barbie Bridges Enterprises. (Among its titles: Backdoor Diaries and Heidi’s High Heeled Hookers.)