Ted Kennedy Gravesite

Sen. Edward Kennedy’s gravesite was completed earlier today. He was laid to rest a short distance from his brothers, Pres. John F. Kennedy and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, at Arlington National Cemetery. Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy was laid to rest earlier today, and in all fairness to that handful of liberals who adored the man and who sometimes read this blog, I’ll conclude my posts on him with a snippet from a complimentary commentary. But to achieve yin-yang, the complementary opposites within a greater whole, I’ll also post one that is darker and less complimentary.

Balance. An attempt at achieving balance on a fiercely divided, controversial issue.

With this round-up of sorts, that’ll be it for my posts about the life and times of Sen. Ted Kennedy (I hope). Rest in peace, Senator.

Below the essays are two videos: the first, footage of Sen. Ted Kennedy’s gravesite, and the second, Sen. Orrin Hatch’s discussion to appoint Kennedy’s widow, Vicki, to fill Kennedy’s spot temporarily to “cast his votes” in the Senate.

Sen. Orrin Hatch: Vicki “Ought to Be Considered” for Senate Seat to Cast Ted’s “Final Votes”

