Watch Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures

Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures, There is continuous chatter on Erin Andrews subject since the time her explicit peep hole videos saw the light of the day. There was intense search activity performed but millions of beer drunk sports crazed fans of NFL initially when the video came out and then again sometime back when the suspect was caught, I believe at the Chicago International Airport.

This suspect was trying to peddle some more video tapes to sites like TMZ who refused to buy them out and instead informed the attorneys ofErin Andrews.

Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures

To this date you will find a huge bunch of people, men and women included, who will say that Erin participated and promoted this bootleg business for achieving greater fame and notoriety and that she secretly asked for it.

I think that is not correct.

Since the day this issue started, we have constatly reminded people that they should not try and see this video online. Too many Malwares are floating around claiming to have the video and then passing on Trojans and viruses to the unsuspected web surfer.

