Rep. Steve Israel picked a fight last week with right-wing radio hosts over the blame they place on illegal immigrants from Mexico for spreading the swine flu. One of the radio talkers, Michael Savage, responded by inviting Israel to debate on his show. When Israel refused, Savage called him “a coward,” among other things.
The Huntington Democrat started the dust-up with an op-ed published last Thursday in the online Huffington Post that raised an alarm about radio hosts Savage, Jay Severin and Neal Boortz for “spreading dangerous misinformation about the flu outbreak.”
Israel singled out a statement by Savage: “Make no mistake about it: Illegal aliens are the carriers of the of the new strain of human-swine avian flu from Mexico.”
Israel concluded, “That is nothing more than fear-mongering and race-baiting in search of ratings.”
Savage responded by inviting Israel on to his show to debate the issue, but Israel refused, saying through his spokeswoman Lindsay Hamilton said that he would not do it as long as Savage “continues to spread dangerous, hateful lies.”
Savage responded by blasting Israel as “swinish,” “a disgrace,” “a fraud,” “a grifter,” and “a coward.” The radio host repeatedly pointed out that he has a doctorate from Berkeley in epidemiology while Israel went to Nassau Community College. He said the rules of epidemiology long have said to isolate and cut off the source of disease, in this case, Mexico.
Israel said he put his trust in the federal Centers for Disease Control, not Savage.
The fight appears to have played nicely to the political bases of both Savage and Israel. Savage stoked his right-leaning crowd and Israel won plaudits from liberal Democrats.
-- Tom Brune
Photo of Savage from sfgate.com
For excerpts from the exchange, read below
Israel in Huffington Post, April 30
The last thing our country needs is radio hosts spreading dangerous misinformation about the flu outbreak. But that's exactly what we're getting thanks to people like Michael Savage, Jay Severin and Neal Boortz. These right-wing demagogues are targeting America's immigrant community and trying to turn a possible pandemic into politics.
This is simply deplorable and seriously dangerous.
A few days ago on his show, Michael Savage said, "Make no mistake about it: Illegal aliens are the carriers of the new strain of human-swine avian flu from Mexico." That is nothing more than fear-mongering and race-baiting in search of ratings. This is exactly the type of rhetoric that fuels discrimination and violence, and those violent acts are why last night the House voted to pass the Hate Crimes Bill. Apparently that wasn't enough of a signal to these guys that they've lost and tolerance and unity have won, but we'll keep fighting.
We can't afford to make this serious health emergency into a conservative radio circus. Americans need to stay calm and informed by listening to their doctors and our public health officials. And I'm asking Michael Savage, Jay Severin, Neal Boortz, and anyone who would repeat their arguments to stop now. Stop spreading these lies and work with us to keep Americans healthy and safe.
Michael Savage response on April 30:
“[Y]ou embrace the illegal alien at the risk of disseminating diseases in this country.”
He invites Israel on to his show to debate the issue.
Israel turns down debate, May 1
Rep. Israel won't go on Michael Savage's show while he continues to spread dangerous, hateful lies. He refuses to be a part of Savage's pathetic scheme for ratings. Rep. Israel encourages people to stay informed with true and accurate information by visiting the Center for Disease Control's website, www.cdc.gov, that contains the latest news on the flu outbreak and related precautions and safety measures.
Savage response, May 1
“Rep. Israel is a disgrace. Tell the fraud I have an earned PhD in epidemiology. While he was going to Nassau Community College I was doing major field research. He’s a coward.”